a ministry of Rev. Timothy D. Skaggs |
welcome to this part of my website. Magic has always been a
fascination of mine. I've always enjoyed watching it be performed
whether it was live or on television. It's something that always
keeps the attention of all who is watching.
It excited me when I began to fill the call of God in my life to expand my ministry into this field of service. I thought to myself, "Wow, if people are this attentive to the tricks, if these tricks had a message, the lives that may be changed just overwhelmed me." My goal for this website is to share some tricks with you that have a gospel message so that you will find Christ as your Savior. Enjoy yourself and come back often as I will try to update this site monthly. May God bless you and remember my ministry in your prayers. |
This Page Updated on 8/8/03